this is the best fake site in the world

it is 105% fake

this wasnt an invitation for debate, the only opinion i care about is mine because its perfect

This will run on Linux; however YOU SHOULD NOT RUN THIS ON LINUX; HEY I SAID DONT

Just because you can parallelize 10000 network calls at once, it doesn't mean you should.

Got called a cunt by a ten year old at the primary school when I was a teen and maturely flipped her off.

we do what we must because we can

Its legal to do so. Whether its safe is on you.

You know, it should not be that hard theoretically. Just make some DB of no-no words. Also few modes would be great - "No US at all", "No US politics" and "Florida man news only".

This man in front of me appears to be upset. From what I can gather, he is capable of doing harm to me and has access to certain firearms... so that's interesting...

Dog-enforced biometric logins have now been out lawed

If you dont want to see something then DONT look

If people dont do what i say, they end up doing it it anyway

If a cartoon hurts your feelings then you might not be fit to run a country.

If I fail making a cake it becomes a pudding

Imagine 3 Men in wigs following you and keep screaming "HE IS A BOTTOM"

This was the censored version?! Oh my.

Politicians has the right to be a hypocrite